Whey Aye, Alreet?!
is how Geordies greet others in Newcastle
Am a humble Geordie by nature, and north east coast of England as ‘home’.
Musicology - Compose music on a piano/ keyboard and experiment extensively in discovering mysterious sonic experiences with largely homemade reverbs, compressors, fx’s and sounds; cutting, scratching, midi, sampling, remixing and shaping mashups.
'Looking for'
Looking for audience to review my music and those who share common ground for potential collaborationMashing up – Working on a bollywood project extracting the percussion strains of foot thumping rhythm from 47 audio tracks for a mash-up, suitable for an hour’s cardio workout.
Musical Alchemy – Part of a capability that has evolved over the years, is to understand upcoming artist’s intent and motivate them to create distinctive and outstanding melody that they are capable of. I do this by understanding their goals, listening to their performance, making observations and contributing to performance perfection.
© Copyright Feel Music Production 2021 Made by Planet Jon; more than just a website maker